Monday, May 28, 2007

Yahoo!! I'm finally a Daring Baker, and I can't tell you how excited I am! I kept seeing so many people's blogs with the Daring Bakers' Challenges, and I was so captivated by it. What a cool idea to get people to try things they normally wouldn't try...and now I'm part of that crowd! The reason I wanted to be a daring baker soo bad was because I always see cool yet hard (skill wise) recipes that I want to try, but always talked myself out of - but Daring Bakers will change that - this group of special people will help me to overcome my baking fears and plunge head first into the world of the unknown baked goods! I can't wait to learn what the challenge is, I'm so eager that it's driving me nuts---so stay tuned to find out what the challenge was and how my very first Daring Bakers assignment turned out!

Wish Me Luck!


Jerry said...

Someone else that is excited as I am for being a Daring Baker! I tell people about it and they look at me like I'm crazy, but hey its good food!

Cheryl said...

Congrats and welcome to the club. I joined last month and it so much fun.

Marce said...

Welcome to the Daring Bakers! I understand the excitement, that was me two months ago, you´ll have tons of fun and learn a lot in the process, maybe curse a little too, but it´s all part of the game :)

Thistlemoon said...

Hi Steph! I have just been accepted as a daring baker as well! Thanks so much for linking to me. Would you like to join the foodie blogroll? Check it out on my webpage!

Dolores said...

Welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you better (and checking out some of your cupcakes!)

Steph said...

Thank you everyone for your warm wishes and welcoming arms into this wonderful world of the Daring Bakers! I look forward to getting to know you all better as we show these challenges whose the boss, and that we're not affraid of them :0) So there!

Anne said...

welcome! I'm glad your joining us :)

Amrita said...

hey there! im dying to be a daring baker too!! how do i get accepted??

Unknown said...

Good luck and welcome! I'm fairly new, last month was my first one. It's a good crew!